
Not a long post tonight……

Still developing the morning exercise habit….although today I did not want to crawl out of bed to exercise.  I must add that I didn’t want to get up and go to work either….at least not that early.  It’s summer for Pete’s sake!

I really want a coke!  Let me rephrase that, just in case you didn’t understand what I am trying to communicate!  I REALLY want…..need…..would relish……the sip of my favorite caffeinated drink…COKE!  Day 2…..breaking the habit! (This should get easier with the passing of each day…and drink machine.



After a disappointing start to my exercise routine last week, I decided to challenge myself to make it a habit.  I read once that it takes only 21 days to form a habit.  (Unfortunately, I’m not sure that it takes only 21 days to break a bad habit!)  Since getting on the treadmill around 3 or 4, after work, is just absolutely painful and brings complete dread to the gym visit, I decided to complete this task in the morning.  I enjoy it more, and then I can go to the gym for classes and to complete the weight rotations.  Hopefully this is a habit that will stick.  Now, to fight the caffeine and carb habit!  Time…time…all in good time! Fingers crossed & prayers raised!


Today, I began my “healthy trails”  journey.  I have been here before, and I know my enemies.  There are several that wish to sink my feet in their murky, sugary, and delectable and needless calories.  Why oh why? I know that sounded a bit cheesy, but it is kind of true.  My worst enemy is the one in the picture.  I crave that one sip each morning and evening.  Normally, I just take that one…or maybe two sips.  However, I noticed last week that it was more, a whole can or two more.  This helps to explain the weight gain over the past few months. It is ridiculous to be so addicted to a liquid that can be used to clean away rust!  The first week of weaning myself from this such large amounts will be torture, which actually means that I will definitely have a few headaches from the withdrawal.  In the end, the parting of ways will mean fewer calories and carbs.

healthy trails begin now!

Last year at this time I was on a terrific high from loosing over thirty pounds.  Yep, you guessed it!  I have gained part of it back.  I gave up on the healthy trails that I had worked so hard to forge due to stress.  Now I’m ready to begin again.  I don’t like the way I feel, and I want to be able to try new physical challenges, like a marathon.  Today, I was sitting in the car and realized that he muffin top was back!  So tomorrow, I am getting back on track with my lists and exercise.  I have to….I refuse to buy fat clothes again….yes…I said fat clothes!  Now, honestly I have a better reason than clothes.  I have seen the effects of being overweight within my own family.  I truly do not want to have major medical issues when I am older just because I couldn’t resist chocolate or the southern favorite…..anything fried.    What is your motivation for loosing weight?